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Drama Club Selling Tickets for SHS “Winter Gala” Showcase

Do you have a free weekend this December? If so, you should consider coming to SHS Theater Club’s Winter Gala performance. This student showcase will have songs, dance, acts, and a bundle of holiday spirit. In addition to the entertainment, there will be a raffle silent auction held before and after the show. They will be opening on December 1st, and they will be showing for the first and second weekend of the month. Fridays are at 7:00pm, Saturdays 2:00pm and 7:00pm, and Sundays at 2:00pm in Snohomish High School’s Performing Arts Center. Tickets cost $13, or $10 with an ASB card, being a senior citizen, military, or are a child. All profits go towards the Spring production, so every dollar counts. In addition, Theater Club announced that they are hosting a free Panther Performance at 3:00pm on Thursday, November 30th in the PAC