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Link Crew Welcomes the Class of 2021

The first day of school meant the arrival of a new class to SHS, and with that their introduction to the campus by ninety Link Leaders, alongside teachers Sheryln Umperovitch and Ryan Gadwa.

Activities coordinator Vince Ivelia and principal Eric Cahan also greeted students during the assembly on Wednesday, promoting Panther pride and the importance of getting involved.

"It's an important program to get our freshmen hooked in at the very beginning," says Umperovitch. "It's a way to connect with students outside of the classroom."

This was one of the main reasons why Gadwa joined the program last year alongside Umperovitch.

Freshman orientation began with the students being ushered into the main gym to the loud applause and cheers of the juniors and seniors who decided to become Link Leaders this year. Once seated, the freshmen played several games before departing to different classrooms around campus for team-building sessions.

The Link Leaders led the team-building sessions, playing games to learn each other's names and encouraging freshmen to be open to new experiences at SHS.

Junior Alex Vickers decided to do Link Crew this year to "make sure [the freshmen know] the school and have a good experience."

Shortly before the end of the team sessions, the freshmen got a ten-minute break before going on a tour of the campus.

Once the tour ended, the freshmen went back to the gym, with a closing talk from Ivelia. The freshmen then went to lunch before going to shortened classes, including a practice evacuation drill during fourth period.

Regular classes for all students begin on September 7th, with Senior Sunrise at six that morning, and the Panthers' first home football game at seven on Friday night against Glacier Peak.