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SHS's Retiring Staff Members

Over the years Snohomish High School has been blessed with a number of great teachers and staff members who have touched the lives of many students. These people have not only shared their knowledge with students but have also inspired, encouraged, mentored and been role models for them. When these people choose to move on or retire it can bring mixed emotions for all involved.

SHS students and staff will be experiencing this event 3 times this year.  Two long time staff members have chosen to retire after the 2015-2016 school year and another will be taking a leave of absence for the 2016-2017 school year to explore if retirement is the direction for her to take.

Susanne Essex, who has taught German and Spanish at SHS for 28 years will be giving retirement a try.  Her plans for the following year include “hopefully doing some traveling and maybe some volunteer work and a non profit.”  When asked what she will miss most, Essex said that, “I will miss being around the people. I’ll miss the students and my colleagues.”   

When asked about what she won’t miss, Essex said, “getting up at 5am.” She may not know it but the students do appreciate it. Essex last word of advice for all the future German students is “try your best.”

For the past 30 years Alina Fuentes has taught Spanish at SHS. Fuentes plans to do a lot of traveling during the off peak season, and also plans to work a little. She will be translating legal documents for her sister who is an attorney.

Entering retirement, Fuentes stated that, “I will definitely miss my students and my colleagues. My students have been the reason I show up, I’ve learned a lot from them. My colleagues are like my second family.” When asked what she will miss the most about leaving SHS and entering retirement is “getting up at 5:15 every morning.” With the year coming to an end Ms. Fuentes would like to say to the students “just work hard and do not be afraid of changes; embrace the moment. Thank you to all my friends and colleagues because I love you and I will miss you. Otherwise I wouldn’t be here.”

Volkert Volkersz has been interacting with students for the past 38 years as not only the SHS and Machias Elementary School Librarian but also as a music teacher/advisor to the Jam Club. During his retirement he plans to work on and perform his music. Volkersz will also be doing lots of camping, hiking and kayaking. There’s even a possibility you will find him as a substitute teacher throughout the district. After Volkersz final semester he said that he, "will miss the contact with the students, Jam Club, and generally just being there and interacting with the students.” Volkersz also stated he will miss many of the fun days such as Serpentine, the Variety Show and Night Of The Arts.

There is one time of year that Volkersz dreads the most, and that is the checking in and out of the textbooks students need every day.

As Mr. Volkersz comes to his final days at SHS he has a few final words for the students at SHS. “Reading is important, thinking is important, being creative is important, expressing yourself in a variety of ways; writing, poetry, science, music and making things is important. I’ve enjoyed my life at SHS and I’m looking forward to new adventures.”