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It's Okay

You’re seventeen or eighteen, and all of a sudden your teachers, parents, and other various adults in your life are asking what you want to do with your life. Well, that’s a good question, although I can hardly make a choice on what I want to eat for breakfast let alone what I want to do with my life, you think to yourself.

Most of us have been in or currently are in this situation. Entering high school as a freshman, you think it will be so long before you even have to start thinking about college or a career when the truth is, your senior year is here before you know it and all of a sudden you have to be an adult. You are probably hearing that you must pick out a career of some kind, or to choose a path to take when what you need to be hearing is,

“It’s going to be okay”.

To anyone freaking out about how what they want to do with their lives, or if they don’t have a plan, just remember to breathe and that things will be okay. You do not have to choose your profession this very second, and if you have absolutely no clue on what you want to do you can always talk to your counselor or head over to the career center and ask questions about what options you have. That is another very important thing to remember, you have options! Your path is not set in stone once you write it all down on the planning sheet you were handed in middle school before you started high school.

Some things are going to change, which might be hard to handle, but your counselors are here to help and will gladly listen to any concerns or questions about what you could do with your life that you may have, or you could talk to a teacher, parent, or any other trusted adult. Things will be okay, and remember they say that if you love what you do, you never work a day in your life.