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Your Facebook friends really convinced by your hot opinion

Yesterday evening, all of your friends on Facebook were totally convinced to vote for your favored presidential candidate by that Huffington Post article you shared.

“I wasn’t really feeling it, until I saw that little fragmentary paragraph of writing above the article link in their post. That really resonated with me, even though the punctuation was iffy and they spent roughly thirty seconds writing the thing,” said your partner from math class.

Out of your 957 friends, all nine of the people that liked that link were definitely sold. Really.

“It was utterly incredible how clearly the facebooker articulated his political opinions in that article that he did not write, but it was really his lead-up to that article over the past six months that made it, you know, sing to me,” said Chet Everson, that 19-year-old guy that lives in Arkansas that you last talked to three years ago. “If he had not commented on every slightly racy Facebook post I ever made by accusing me of sexism, racism, and general bigotry, then I would not have been open to other points of view.

“I mean, I am just like everybody else. I don’t come on Facebook to connect with friends or share funny pictures or any of that stupid trash,” Everson said “I am here for purely intellectual debates. Being called a neocolonial slavedriver by a fellow teenager who has very little understanding of what pain and misery the word ‘slavedriver’ even means was exactly what I needed to have the views I had held for the majority of my life changed, but it was also the exact sort of thing I quiver in anticipation to hear whenever I log onto Facebook.”