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Let's Clear Up the 'Diet' Confusion

The American population has a population that is alarming two-thirds overweight. When people realize that consuming grains and sugars cause weight gain, the obesity and weight issues will decrease. The human body has not fully adjusted to eating the foods which have developed in the last 12,000 years. These "new" foods have aided in the rise of digestive problems, heart disease, autoimmune diseases, systematic inflammation, obesity, and diabetes.

Sugar, fructose, and high fructose corn syrup are the number one sources of calories in the United States. While many people are under the impression that eating all fruit is a healthy option, it really is just a very large amount of sugar for your body to consume. Before the biotechnology the world has today, fruit was limited because it was only available seasonally. This meant that humans were not consuming the amount of sugars as they are today. Because people did not have access to fruits year-round, there were less cases of diabetes and other diet-related diseases.

Gluten, which comes from wheat, is known as a neurotoxin. It can trigger over 140 different autoimmune conditions. The absence of grain and gluten in the body has been known to relieve chronic pain from the body as well. It has been proven that when gluten is cut from a diet, inflammation decreases along with cholesterol levels.  People diagnosed with celiac disease, the intolerance of wheat, benefit from gluten free products. According to Tufts University, wheat has been linked to Alzheimer's Diesese, depression, headaches, epilepsy, and ADHD.  While wheat and whole grains are often times recommended, there is no doubt that they have aided in America's obesity epidemic.  

Americans and humans in general need to realize the effects that sugars and grains have on our bodies. There are effects all the way from physical problems to mental complications that could all be solved if only the public became more educated. The issue is that many people look at different research and believe different things. There are many "diets" or "lifestyle choices" that people believe in that just simply are not medically effective. While it is wishful thinking that the whole US population will get on the same page on diets, the best thing that one can do is choose the best option for themselves. It takes one to start a movement. Go grain free and sugar limited.