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Fan Girls Need to Cool Down

Fan girls everywhere love to share their opinions about their favorite celebrities, especially when it comes to their relationships. From Brad Pitt and his love triangle with Jen and Angelina to Kim Kardashian and her 72 day marriage, to Big Sean and Arianna Grande's short lived romance, celebrity drama tends to demand a lot of attention. Why do people care so much about people that they don't even know? It really does not make sense to be crying in bed on a Saturday night over the break up of two stars that you do not even know- espeicially since there is almost always more to the story than is being publicized. 

The most recent outbreak of extreme fan-girling happened earlier this week when Justin Bieber posted a photo on Instagram. In Bieber’s post he looked to be sharing his New Year's Eve kiss with a mystery blonde in cut offs and a white blouse. Hailey Baldwin – who had been posting photos on vacation which Bieber’s family all week – then posted a photo wearing the exact same outfit as Justin’s mystery girl.

Clearly, dedicated Bielibers put the pieces together very quickly. Fans seemed to immediately assume that “Jailey” was a full blown “thing." Fans started posting long winded posts from all different perspectives, causing "Jailey" to be a top trend all over social media sites. It's obvious to see the split in the fans; some are still clearly team "Jelena" (Bieber and Selena Gomez), and others support his possible new romance. While some fans are critical of other fans who were not supportive of Bieber's new flame, some were just blatantly hurt that this "new girl" wasn't them in that photo.

What fans are not considering is if the kiss was just a publicity stunt. This kiss is not really worth a trending series of posts regarding young girls' “heart brokenness”, and anger towards other fans, until this relationship is really proved to be official.

Another photo of celebrities Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth has recently resurfaced all over famous Twitter accounts, basically promoting that if they can get back together there really is hope for everyone in 2016.

Many fans were crushed when Cyrus began her transition from former sweet Disney channel star with Hemsworth as her boyfriend to wild, Hemsworth-less music artist. When fans begin to turn against Cyrus, it really highlighted that some of these "fans" are more about the image than the music, because even though Cyrus was no longer with Hemsworth and had a new hair cut, she was still Miley. How fan girls would react to a Cyrus and Hemsworth break up 2.0 if the first breakup caused such catastrophic results in Cyrus's original fan-base?

These two recent accounts of social media reactions display just how serious fans are. In reality, young and single Bieber can kiss whoever, whenever he wants. And Miley is completely entitled to making her own image, and relationship choices. Over attachment, and obsession to celebrities ever-changing lives and their relationship statuses is an exhausting, never ending cycle that fan girls everywhere need to escape. It is not healthy to waste so much emotion on something that, in reality, you're not really involved in.

So Bielibers, this one is for you. Do not take Justin’s choice of a lady friend so personally. Put your hearts back in your chest and delete your sad posts on Instagram. This is 2016, and a kiss can most definitely mean more than one thing.

Miley fans, she is completely entitled to be whoever she chooses to be, and so are you! Focus less on being someone else's "goals," and focus more on achieving your goals this year!

Fan girls, let's break the chain.