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Black Friday Should Be a National Holiday

We all know Black Friday. The day where mobs of crazy people raid the stores, like mass stampedes of plain buffalo, pushing and even hurting other people and store workers in a races for the greatest on sale things known to man! Calm down foul beasts! It’s the day after Thanksgiving, where most big stores are open extra-long hours, having the biggest sales of the year. Many people already get this day off, but it should be a national holiday for all.

If Black Friday was a national holiday, people would be more inclined to use this day as an extra day with family, especially if they go out of town for Thanksgiving.

Those who do not get this day off take it off anyways using vacation time. They would not have to waste valuable vacation time if it were a national holiday.

Since a vast majority of Black Friday shoppers are out for Christmas gifts for family and friends, it is definitely important. If we did away with Black Friday, there would need to be an alternative like a second Cyber Monday where its all online. Christmas shopping can still be achieved, and the mad mobs and all the havoc they wreak would thus be eliminated. All the mad, crazy mobs of eager, sleep deprived women full of isle rage (who will run you over if you don’t get out of the way), excited men out for the new cheap tools or man cave gems, and crazy old ladies out for cheap beauty products to hide their wrinkles or make them look all hip and young again would be massively reduced. 

It's important to make Black Friday a national holiday to diminish the amount of shoppers because people get hurt. Some will get into fights over who was first to get the last 3D TV at Best Buy, or the brand new limited edition model train set at the hobby store. Even over parking spots! Since 2006, there have been 11 deaths and 99 injuries confirmed. On Black Friday of 2013, a Virginia man was stabbed in the arm down to the bone, after an argument in a Walmart parking lot (over a parking spot) escalated into a threat with a firearm. On Black Friday of 2008, a Long Island Walmart worker died after being trampled by a Black Friday stampede. Are they mental? Has the world gone mad? Is a mere deal on a beauty kit, or a TV or a model train set more important than basic humanity, sanity, and respect? Not having Black Friday would eliminate this madness by keeping people indoors with their families instead of all the booby trap stores filled with crazed and demented psychopaths. This would be giving them more family time and thus eliminating the mental madness at the stores.

Black Friday is a tradition, but by not having it, people would be more inclined to spend it with their family. A safer alternative to Black Friday would be turning it into a paid day off for all and taking Black Friday to online. That way, we would not have all the madness, injuries and deaths. 

Regardless of what people want to use this day for, whether it be extra family time, or even tending to a loved one or friend who is sicker than a dog, hugging the toilet from eating too much at Thanksgiving, everyone should get this day off. It should be a national paid holiday for all, even if it means not having Black Friday.