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SHS Shrek performance amazes community

Snohomish High School delivered their final performance of Shrek the Musical on May 9 to a record breaking large crowd in the Snohomish Performing Arts Center, and it was obvious why.

Shrek was a phenomenal musical that highlighted some of the best performers at Snohomish High, including the state champion Tenor, Senior Garret Hall, as well Seniors Abby Smith, Marshall Peterson, Grady O’Shea, Rachel Verrill, Dylan Strehle, and Kiely Sugayan. Juniors Clara Todd, Ruby Hunt, and many other students also made up the supporting cast.

Hall blew crowds away with his powerful voice, and delivered an amazing performance as Shrek. His solos were met with thunderous applause, and his portrayal of Shrek was spot on.

Smith perfectly captured the heart and soul of her character, Fiona, and won over crowds with her snarky attitude and angel-like voice. Her acting was amazing; she could make audiences laugh or cry in just moments.

Peterson had the audience doubled over in laughter with his hysterical performance as Donkey, and gave a very enjoyable performance which was enhanced by his moving donkey ears.

O’Shea, who played Lord Farquaad, gave an outstanding performance, delivering his whole part on his knees, making Lord Farquaad a hilarious size. Where he was riding in on a plastic horse, or dancing and singing with his Duloc subjects, O’Shea rocked his part.

Other performers such as Verrill, who played Dragon, Todd, who played the Gingerbread Man and the Sugarplum Fairy, and Sugayan, who played Pinocchio, gave very inspiring performances that brought the house down with an enthusiastic audience.

Shrek was already an amazing musical with just the pure talent of the singers, the superb acting, the incredible orchestra, and choreography, but what put it over the top was the amazing set and costumes. Dragon was presented as a huge puppet controlled by multiple handlers, and the stage kept throwing out more surprises such as fog on the ground, a remote controlled mouse, a stain glass window shattering, and much more.

The whole production was simply breath taking. Shrek the Musical was an incredible performance, and it was easy to see all of the hard work and pure talent that went into its development.