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Rape jokes are not funny

When we were younger, we were taught that yelling “fire” is more effective than yelling “rape.” We were taught “don’t leave your drink alone” instead of “don’t drug someone.” How about we teach “don’t rape” instead of “don’t get raped.” I always hear how awful our rape culture is. If it is so awful, why do I hear multiple people every day making jokes about rape? Maybe they are being hypocrites, or maybe they don’t understand what rape culture is.

Rape culture is where rape and sexual violence is accepted and expected. It supports violence against victims and makes rape seem okay. It tells us that it’s the victim’s fault and it tells the rapists that it’s in their nature.

When I hear people around the school saying things like “dude, I totally got raped today,” and “I would so rape her,” I’m surprised. I don’t know how someone could be so ignorant and so insensitive that they make a rape joke. I want to know, why is it funny? Why is it funny that someone was forced to do something they didn’t want to do? Why is it not okay to joke about something like cancer or someone dying, yet it is okay to joke about rape? Don’t joke about a traumatic experience that happens way too often. Don’t mock a pain you haven’t endured.

When you say a rape joke, there are two people who are very likely to hear it: a survivor or a rapist. When a survivor hears it, it forces them to relive what could possibly be the worst experience of their life. Wouldn’t you feel bad? Making someone who has lived through that exact experience relive it? Would you joke about rape in front of someone you know has gotten raped before? Or, if you think they’re being “too sensitive,” think about this. When a rapist hears the joke, they are satisfied. They think you either agree with what they do or that you yourself are a rapist. Doesn’t that bother you? That a rapist identifies with you and thinks that you’re like them?

It’s indescribable how incredibly ignorant it is to joke about something as serious as this. Every two minutes, someone in the U.S. is sexually assaulted. Meaning every two minutes, another person goes through one of the worst experiences of their life. What’s funny about that?