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SHS Students Deserve Better Lunch Options

Why don’t we have off campus lunch? I know plenty of other schools that do, and I am wondering why we don't.

Inside the school, the lunch options are very limited to what they have that day or that week, but outside of school, the options are pretty much endless.

Also, there are some people that are vegetarian, vegan, or maybe just exclude one food group/substance from their diet. There is not a specific menu available for people with special eating needs. Since the school doesn't provide that, students should have the freedom to go get the food they would prefer.

There isn’t off campus lunch now because people in the area complained about noise and the litter, but should that just be the end to off-campus lunch all together?

There also could be students that could ruin it for all of us. Some students would undoubtedly make bad choices when off campus or use the privilege to leave in the middle of the day and go home.

There should be some restrictions to off campus lunch, including only upper classman who had C and above grades.

Other than those simple restrictions, off campus lunch would give upper classman, who are going to be adults in a year or two, the freedom they will get to enjoy as adults.