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SHS Drowning In Paper

We’ve all had that one teacher that gives us 50 pounds of papers everyday making our binders burst at the seams. There is a solution to our problem…tablets!

Every student can use an electronic tablet to have our text books and paper handouts on. It will save money and trees by decreasing printing so many papers daily. We could be using them to read, explore the internet, do research projects, read, and do work from class textbooks. The possibilities are endless. 

In addition to downsizing our binders from all the papers it is more cost effective to use tablets vs. papers. The average cost of a tablet is around $386, or even less than $200 on the lower end, whereas SHS is spending around $50,283 on papers and printing annually. It would be more cost effective because tablets would end up paying for themselves in just a few short years with the amount we would be using them on a daily basis.

There are an infinite number of objectives we would be using the tablets for compared to being handed hundreds of papers that we only use once, or papers that we just read and throw away, to be never used again. It would be easier for students to carry around one thing, oppose to binders and books for every class that they have.

Students could even test on them, saving even more paper. It would be easier to have all of our handouts and work in one place, rather than trying to keep track of all of our papers in our binders when many students lose papers frequently.

Some may disagree with this proposal because of the thought of students losing the tablets or having them stolen, but I think that having something valuable like that would force students to take responsibility of keeping track of it and never leaving it around since it is not just a book for one class, it is essentially your book for every class, and they will be constantly needing it.

With how technology has been progressing over years, it only makes sense to make things easier in schools for students and teachers with the help of the new technology.