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Cell Phone Addictions

The last few years, people have grown to be very addicted to their phones and other electronics. For the most part, all age groups have them. Ever since smart phones have become popular, people have bought them more and more. This includes smart phones, tablets, iPods, iPads, etc. They are always being used. Some may say a little too much. People use them for not only playing games, but texting and staying in contact with their friends and family.

I believe it’s important that people should have a limit on how much they use their electronic devices because it is addictive.

For the most part it is teens are addicted to their phones and electronic devices. “I am addicted to my phone. They entertain me and everything else in the world is boring,” said SHS freshman Meme Keough. 71% teenagers own a cell phone in North America, and 96% of teens between ages 16 and 17 in Japan also have a mobile phone.

A lot of people have phones, but teens most of all. Teens are the age group that is mostly on their phones because they want to be involved in every moment in their friends’ lives. They are on their phones for four hours a day at average. Some parents have to take their children’s phones away because they are on it too much, but by doing so, the children get upset and sometimes depressed. Depression is caused by lack of sleep and they get headaches and back pains.

Electronics can be very dangerous as well if they are used in dangerous situations. If people are so addicted to their phones that they are texting and driving, they could get in a car crash. And depending on how bad the wreck is, it could cause death. Statistics say 23% of car crashes in 2011 involved cell phones. That’s 1.3 million crashes. Also 13% drivers of the age of 18-20 were in wrecks because of texting.

Communication skills are also at danger of being lost. The ability to talk to someone face to face is important for most of your life. Things like job interviews and relationships involve speaking in person to another person. Cell phones allow messages to be sent without actually having to talk to them in person, which makes people a lot more shy than usual.

In my opinion, I think electronics should only be used for an emergency, not to see who commented on your blog. I am addicted to my phone and though it is difficult to think of a world without electronics, I think it would be better for everyone. Then people would be forced to talk to people in person and make friends face to face.