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Benefit concert and auction to be held at SHS

A benefit concert featuring the SHS Women’s Ensemble will be held at SHS on behalf of the Patrick Castro “Excellence in Vocal Music” Scholarship. Jaci Cummings, the choir teacher at SHS, will also be singing beside husband Joel Cummings at the event.

Additionally, guest performer Megan Chenovick will make a special appearance. “She’s a Broadway show tune performer,” said scholarship council secretary Kelley Lyday. The singer was arranged by Castro himself, who was an SHS choir teacher for twenty-two years. After retiring in 2005, he founded the scholarship.

A silent auction will be hosted at noon, prior to the event. Attendees can expect to bid on items crafted by local artisans, including artwork and various types of gift baskets. All of the proceeds go toward the scholarship fund. According to Lyday, the council will need to raise at least $6,000 to ensure the recipients of the scholarship will be able to renew it each year.

The concert will be held on April 5, in the SHS Performing Arts Center at 2 p.m