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Queen Annie takes the Reign

Annie Crookshank was announced as this year’s Homecoming Queen, much to her surprise and delight. “I didn’t know what to say, I forgot what I was supposed to do, and Shelby [Garrison] had to push me up there. She was like ‘go!’ and I was like, ‘oh, yeah, thanks’ -- completely forgot,” she said. Despite the initial shock, Annie is very grateful and honored to carry on such a meaningful tradition.                                                   

Most likely contributing to her being voted as Queen is her extensive involvement with the school. She has been a member of five clubs throughout her high school experience, including the Steinbeck (aka Classic Book) Club, which she co-founded and became the vice president of for a while. Annie is also captain of the cheer team. Ben Doucette, Annie’s DECA teacher, said she was a natural leader, and if she were male she would “probably end up as an admiral or general in the military.” Annie agreed with the statement, confessing she likes people to pay attention and doesn’t mind raising her voice once in a while.

However, Annie does not have her sights set on the military for her future. She is set on heading into business. Both Doucette and her AP environmental science teacher, Brian Gibbs, say they could definitely see her being a leader in the business world in years to come. Doucette is “sure she’s a dynamo force in the workplace.”

Annie isn’t certain what company she’d like to work for, but she currently works at Starbucks. She reasons the transition to corporate would be easier there than going to an entirely new company. However, she keeps an open mind, stating: “I don’t mind what job I end up doing so long as I’m happy.” If corporate doesn’t work out, Annie has plans to become the dictator of Cuba.

Outside of school and career plans, Annie is very close to her family. Two of her older siblings have attended SHS, and her younger sister has joined the ranks of the school’s Crookshanks as well. Although Doucette notes that Annie and her older brothers share a common,powerful motivation drive, Gibbs, who has had one of Annie’s older brothers in one of his past classes, says they are very different people. “[Annie is] definitely more outgoing,” he assures, and also mentions “She’s always bringing in stories about her family.”

When it comes to hobbies, Annie enjoys dancing. She has participated in the sport for sixteen years, practicing at the Pacific West Performing Arts studio in Snohomish. “I’ve done pretty much everything except for Irish, clog, and ballroom dancing, although I do know how to swing dance and waltz,” she says. Her favorite genre of dancing is hip-hop. She began competing around four years ago, and last year her team earned a platinum medal.

After being prompted for additional activities she does for fun, Annie revealed: “I like to go play bingo, in Marysville... [You] can’t talk very loud, the old ladies get really upset.” She admits it’s a little strange, “but [she likes] going to the bingo hall."