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Donkey Basketball raises money for senior party

Farm smells and constant laughter filled the room last Friday night as Snohomish High School held the annual “Donkey Basketball” fundraiser for the senior class.

The teachers versus students event was held to raise money for the senior graduation party in June.

“We’re fundraising for a drug and alcohol free, safe graduation night party,” said Alexa Ayubi, the event coordinator, “It’s a tradition the school has done for years”.

The teachers and students played a friendly game, with lots of falling off donkeys and missed shots. The event was a hit, with participating teachers from not only the high school, but also from Dutch Hill Elementary and Centennial Middle School.

“I’m playing because of my amazing donk-questrian skills, and I’m looking forward to drainin’ some 3’s” said Louis Boggeri, Snohomish High School teacher.

The participating students were all from the senior class, and finished the game with a victory.

“The highlight of my night was guarding Mr. Gionet” said Sam Lince, senior.

Graduation will take place June 10, and the graduation party will follow that night.