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ASB Tech Theatre Club

Members of Snohomish High School’s ASB Tech Theatre Club met on Friday, October 19 to discuss how the recently formed club will function and what its role will be in the upcoming shows at SHS.

The club has been around unofficially for years, but with the construction of the new PAC and access to better equipment, it was decided that more people needed to be trained in how to utilize the space.

Although the group will be separate from the Drama Club, a number of people in the backstage crew of the plays and musicals are joining the new club in order to use their abilities in other areas. They will be in charge of the lighting and sound work that goes on behind the scenes of events such as Mr. SHS and the talent show.

The advisor of the club, Elizabeth Rand, works with both SHS and Glacier Peak High School to put on the best productions possible. Rand wants to see the kids involved learn more about sound, lighting, and stage work so that there will be more students familiar with the PAC and all of the technology backstage. Rand also wanted to acknowledge the hard work of everyone who has worked behind the scenes, for they rarely receive the appreciation of those on stage.

“If you’re doing something wrong you get yelled at and if you’re doing it right you get no recognition,” Rand said.

Without the skills of the dedicated backstage crew, however, no play, musical, or event would be able to function.

Peri Countryman, a junior at SHS, has worked on various productions as mainly a sound technician.

“I know practically everything about the theatre,” Countryman said. “It’s my second home.”

The club will offer a new generation of hopeful technicians a chance to experience a professional environment in which they have the opportunity to learn the skills necessary to put on a great show.