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Anime-Otaku Club invites students to join them

For students at Snohomish High School who like anime, the Anime-Otaku Club is available for reading or watching anime.

“What I like best about Anime-Otaku Club is the people and how friendly everyone is,” said Junior Sairah Best, president of Anime-Otaku Club.

“I like the experience and being around people who appreciate the same things that I appreciate. [Anime-Otaku Club brings] a group of kids who wouldn’t be inclined to come to a club and we give them an environment to grow and develop their social habits,” Sophomore Dante Floyd said.

Anime-Otaku Club is open to students who love anime and who might be interested in joining. The group gets together on Mondays and stays at school until 4:00-4:30 P.M.

Vice President of the Anime-Otaku Club, Sophomore Sierra Schedin, said, "It’s a chance to get together with people who share the same interests as you and to just watch anime. We also go to Sakura-Con, which is the biggest anime convention in the northwest,”