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College Checklist

Leaving for college in the fall will most likely be a bittersweet event, even if you have been looking forward to escaping this rainy town for years. New opportunities, different people, and the chance to create a new life separate from what you experienced in high school: All this awaits you in the exciting new adventure that will be college. But for most of you seniors graduating on June 14, organizing your clothes and knickknacks is not a top priority. Why would you be worrying about what you should be bringing to your dorm, when you have the entire summer full of long (and hopefully warm) days to plan and pack? If you start to prepare now, however, you won’t have to think about the little things when you should be enjoying your last few days of vacation. Hopefully, this list will give you an idea on what might want, what most college students definitely need, and added extras that are optional but fun nonetheless. 

Some things you might need and probably want:

  • A First aid kit. It may not seem important, but just wait until you have a really bad paper cut and you need a Band-Aid.
  • An umbrella and a raincoat. If you’re going to school in Washington, or anywhere that tends to randomly burst into rain, this is quite obvious.
  • Backpack. You need to put your stuff somewhere when you go to class.
  • Miniature refrigerator. Keep you snacks cold! You won’t be able to eat things like string cheese or leftover pizza if you don’t have one.
  • Extension cords. When your snooty roommate uses up all of the outlets, you can use these to find new ones.
  • Microwave. Heat up that leftover pizza.
  • Laundry basket and soap. Stop making your mom do your laundry, because you’re going to need to know how.
  • Shower shoes. Bathroom floors are disgusting, so keep those feet protected with easy shoes like flip flops.
  • A bike. If you’re not bringing a vehicle to school, a bike is a great way to meander the campus.
  • A TV/gaming system/DVD player/etc. Watch your favorite shows, play games, enjoy movies. Endless possibilities.
  • Extra bedding. You’re not going to be able to bring your own mattress, so if you want some kind of comfort, this is a must.
  • Room decorations. You’re going to be away from home and will want something that reminds you of your old bedroom. Bring pictures, posters, and other little personal items that will create a sense of home at college.
  • A fish. If you like pets, this is the only option you have at the dorms and most apartments. So get a beta and name him Dumbledore, because he will be your best friend.